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Thursday, 11. May 2006
ligi kodiyat, 13:43h

Who will win the FIFA World Cup '06?
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05.05.06 Workplace E-Collaboration
ligi kodiyat, 03:10h
Today’s topic was workplace e-collaboration
Gartner says that by 2010, 70 percent of the population in developed nations will spend 10 times longer per day interacting with people in the electronic world…..that sounds a bit unexciting at the first go…..as if everybody is going to build their own world around them and u could talk to the only through some electronic device!!! No PERSONAL connections!!!
Per definition “E-Collaboration is the process of two or more (dis-located) people working together on a common purpose or goal where the participants are committed and inter-dependent and work in a common context using shared resources, supported by (web-based) electronic tools. ”
So in an organisation the purpose is more to inter-link and support people in their daily work so that they can work effectively and efficiently within and across the organisation.
Prof. Back showed us the importance of workplace e-collaboration by placing it in the St. Galler Business Engineering Model.
We will be focussing on the e-collaboration tools Teamrooms, Instant Messaging and Live Conferencing.
This is a tool for information sharing and collaboration. By creating a shared context for teamwork, Teamroom creates leverage both for the individuals on the team and for the team as a whole. Because the technology is built on a group sharing platform, the context is richer and the leverage is greater than is typically possible by sending an e-mail or saving a file in a shared directory. Teamroom also support teams whose members are geographically distributed, and who are sometimes unable to access their computer network.
These are some well know Teamroom providers:
- Lotus Quickplace
- Teamspace.de der 5Point Ag
- Basecamp
All the groups were given access to their personal Teamrooms so that they we could get first hand experience by working on our assignments with this tool. I have never used one before so I was curious…We all logged on to our Teamrooms and personalized our identities…..Jing, Fabian and me will be using a service called Teamspace. I could put in my pic and fill in information such as address, telephone number, and so on…..then we have different services such as a pinboard for short messages, e-mail, sms, calendar, chat, milestones and so forth…..till now the tool has been really user friendly….but I have to admit that I haven’t used it much either!!!
Instant Messaging
This is a tool that enables you to create a kind of a private chat room with another individuals in order to communicate in real time over the Internet. It’s similar to a telephone conversation but using text-based communication. Typically, the instant messaging system alerts you whenever somebody on your private list is online.
These are some well known Instant Messaging providers:
- Skype
- Microsoft Live Communications Server
I do not use Skype too often anymore because Cablecom offers free telephone service in the evenings!!! But it is a really good service to talk to people in foreign destinations or to be actually able to see the people as your communicating with them. Even though instant messaging is a very practical tool I have the feeling that it could develop into a problem in case it starts constraining the privacy of the people using it. Prof. Back also mentioned that organisations still have a conservative approach towards this tool because the safety of the transferred data is not ensured yet.
This tool is similar to a forum, an area in a bulletin board or online service in which participants can meet to discuss a topic of common interest.
These are some of the well known providers:
- Saba
- Microsoft Office Live Meeting
- IBM Lotus Sametime
Prof. Back demonstrated a stunning example. She presented a live management seminar to her students in St. Gallen from an institute in Orlando. The students could see and hear her teaching, watch the slides, give comments, discuss, etc.
So will we need our classrooms anymore??? Now that looks like the FUTURE!!!!
Gartner says that by 2010, 70 percent of the population in developed nations will spend 10 times longer per day interacting with people in the electronic world…..that sounds a bit unexciting at the first go…..as if everybody is going to build their own world around them and u could talk to the only through some electronic device!!! No PERSONAL connections!!!
Per definition “E-Collaboration is the process of two or more (dis-located) people working together on a common purpose or goal where the participants are committed and inter-dependent and work in a common context using shared resources, supported by (web-based) electronic tools. ”
So in an organisation the purpose is more to inter-link and support people in their daily work so that they can work effectively and efficiently within and across the organisation.
Prof. Back showed us the importance of workplace e-collaboration by placing it in the St. Galler Business Engineering Model.
We will be focussing on the e-collaboration tools Teamrooms, Instant Messaging and Live Conferencing.
This is a tool for information sharing and collaboration. By creating a shared context for teamwork, Teamroom creates leverage both for the individuals on the team and for the team as a whole. Because the technology is built on a group sharing platform, the context is richer and the leverage is greater than is typically possible by sending an e-mail or saving a file in a shared directory. Teamroom also support teams whose members are geographically distributed, and who are sometimes unable to access their computer network.
These are some well know Teamroom providers:
- Lotus Quickplace
- Teamspace.de der 5Point Ag
- Basecamp
All the groups were given access to their personal Teamrooms so that they we could get first hand experience by working on our assignments with this tool. I have never used one before so I was curious…We all logged on to our Teamrooms and personalized our identities…..Jing, Fabian and me will be using a service called Teamspace. I could put in my pic and fill in information such as address, telephone number, and so on…..then we have different services such as a pinboard for short messages, e-mail, sms, calendar, chat, milestones and so forth…..till now the tool has been really user friendly….but I have to admit that I haven’t used it much either!!!
Instant Messaging
This is a tool that enables you to create a kind of a private chat room with another individuals in order to communicate in real time over the Internet. It’s similar to a telephone conversation but using text-based communication. Typically, the instant messaging system alerts you whenever somebody on your private list is online.
These are some well known Instant Messaging providers:
- Skype
- Microsoft Live Communications Server
I do not use Skype too often anymore because Cablecom offers free telephone service in the evenings!!! But it is a really good service to talk to people in foreign destinations or to be actually able to see the people as your communicating with them. Even though instant messaging is a very practical tool I have the feeling that it could develop into a problem in case it starts constraining the privacy of the people using it. Prof. Back also mentioned that organisations still have a conservative approach towards this tool because the safety of the transferred data is not ensured yet.
This tool is similar to a forum, an area in a bulletin board or online service in which participants can meet to discuss a topic of common interest.
These are some of the well known providers:
- Saba
- Microsoft Office Live Meeting
- IBM Lotus Sametime
Prof. Back demonstrated a stunning example. She presented a live management seminar to her students in St. Gallen from an institute in Orlando. The students could see and hear her teaching, watch the slides, give comments, discuss, etc.
So will we need our classrooms anymore??? Now that looks like the FUTURE!!!!
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